Thursday I biked with the Trailhead group. Good ride. I picked up my new Loon kit from the shop afterwards. Upon leaving the shop I noticed I had 7 missed calls. Crap. Holly and Lilly were stranded at gymnastics with a dead battery. I rode home, to get the 4Runner and came back for the jump start.
Holly went for a ride on Friday evening while I took the kids to the park.
Saturday morning I did some singletrack for a couple hours and then rode a lap on the bike trail. Great morning to be in the woods. I found a little loop with a nice climb and just turned it over for an hour. I returned home around 10 to a load of 4 cubic yards of mulch to be put down. I'm guessing we laid down around 100 wheelbarrow loads. Sheesh. Part of it was expected as mulch decomposes every year. The other part was unexpected as the river took a bunch on the way out of our yard.
Holly did the "Chili Dog" ride Sunday AM. She cut a little off and came home early because she wasn't riding the best. That and Berger ran her off the road. Actually, she said it was most likely her fault. Lilly and I were excited to see her in time for lunch at Jimmy John's.
Lilly colored a picture of Jesus in church today. He was wearing a pink robe. "Boys can wear pink too dad." I'm not sure about me, but I'm cool with Jesus wearing whatever he wants.
Pastor Bill shook my hand in church today and told me he ran across this blog while looking up our mailing address. Immediately my mind is racing to remember if I said anything objectionable. He said it sounds like we lead an interesting, active life. That sounds about right. It was really cool to hear he read something about us.
I did some more yard work today while the kids played in the yard. One of my tasks was to put together the dock and pull some more wood off the dock. Sure enough my luck caught up to me and I ended up in waist deep, 50 degree water. I'd be lying if I said it was pleasant. But it also wasn't terrible. I was able to stay in the water long enough to clear all the wood off the lift. All the kids were in stitches. Yeah, that's right. Keep laughing.
Right now I'm out in the driveway, having a beer, watching the river flow by. The kids are playing behind me and it's 70 degrees and sunny. Relaxing. I hope you all are doing the same.