Monday, June 21, 2010

Berthoud Pass

Doug (a friend from work) and I rode Idaho Springs - Winter Park - Idaho Springs yesterday. The route goes over Berthoud Pass at 11,000+ feet. Lots of climbing and a spot or two where we hit 50 mph on the way down.

Route Profile

Continental Divide

Doug looking out over the switchbacks

Also a popular spot to backcountry ski

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Colorado Springs & Royal Gorge

This past weekend Holly, Lilly and I hosted Kalie and her friend Alysson. They flew in to attend a candidate camp at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Sunday we went down to Colorado Springs. The girls went on a rafting trip while Lilly and I hiked. Rafting was a good time. They were happy they didn't fall out of the raft as they were cold enough being splashed. With the recent rain and snow melt the river was too high to raft through Royal Gorge.

After the trip we drove to the Royal Gorge bridge. It was late so we didn't go in the park but we were able to look over the edge and see the river below.

A great hike with Lilly.

Cacti in bloom.

Hiking above Cañon City.

Royal Gorge.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lilly

Lilly turned six years old today. Wow!

And Scooby-Doo on Channel 2?


Summer is here and Lilly has started swim lessons. I was surprised at her confidence when going off the diving board.

Not a problem dad...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Horseback Riding

Lilly went to an introductory horseback riding class this weekend. Here is a picture and a video.

Lilly riding Sandy

This is fun

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lilly's Dance Recital

Lilly's dance recital is this weekend. These videos are from dress rehearsal yesterday. Cameras aren't allowed into the final performance.

Tap Routine

Balet Routine

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Juniper Pass Ride

View from 11,000+ feet. Part of a 60 mile, 5,000ft ride. The guy in the pic is Doug, a riding budy from work.


Pools are Open

The Stapleton pools opened this weekend.

Lilly loves to swim.