Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This past weekend we met Holly's sister Aimee in Steamboat. Her daughter Kalie came home on spring break with her boyfriend Nate. Kelsie and Alex and Alicia also were there. The snow was amazing for late March and the weather was nice and warm at the bottom. Spring skiing!

Lilly on the gondi - ready for the day!

An awesome run. Knee-deep powder and steep.

Beer at the bottom.

Lunch with Lilly.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March Pictures

A couple pictures from this month. We're starting to ride outside more and Lilly has started soccer.


Workin' it.

Clear Creek Canyon fire - from Lookout Mountain
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time Warp

Lilly's spring play was Time Warp, a play about time travel. In the play a family of 4 children travel to the night of the Titantic, the night of President Lincoln's assasination (thwarted by the kiddos), the Oregon Trail and forward in time to Star Wars. Lilly played a passenger on the Titantic and a traveler on the Oregon Trail.

Oregon Trail

Tired from a day's travel

Sleeping on the Titantic
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