Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Last week of the cyclocross season

Holly said there's snow in Elm Creek.


Commute. 60 degrees!
Trailer Lilly to Target.

Commute. Left early to pickup Lilly (sick). Rode HARD into STRONG headwind. Legs feel really week this late in the season.
Trailer to Dad & Lilly class.

Commute. Spend 1/2 day at home with Lilly.
1st week of Tiny Tot Dance.
Spin with Neil, Carol and Serotta Orbea Steve.
Watched RAAM 2007 DVD and saw Neil for 2 seconds. :)


State Cyclocross Championships - 4th Cat3, 6th overall (B2 race)
Legs actually felt good enough to really burn my lungs. Rode the whole race with Jim Bell just like at Millaca.
Moon Rock with Holly's family.
Rode down to Neil's for tonics and videos.

Mountain biked in Elm Creek with Holly!
She rode my mountain bike (it was a tad big) and I rode the cyclocross bike.
She had enough fun to want to try a bike her size.
Went to Pioneer Midwest and bought our Christmas gifts (XC skis)

1 comment:

nerdman said...

Cool! Hey everybody John has skis!!

I am calling him for my partner in the relays this winter!