Saturday, January 31, 2009


I skied 40k at Elk River this morning. The snow was fast as the temp was already on the way to 40. Who saw that coming? Todd, Eric C, Erik H and Larry were all there at the start. Todd, Eric and I did one lap at a steady tempo and then two more with 5 minute intervals. Afterwards Todd mentioned to me, "You might want to think about doing the Birkie." So it looks like I may be racing again this year. I did a 4th lap to get used to skiing while whiped out.

Lilly had "Ice is Nice" at the Anoka Ice Arena. Hailey and Mia (neighbor girls) were there - Hailey did a great job of skating around and keeping them both interested.

We all took Boo to the dog park. What a great day. We saw JayT out on a ride! Outside, in January! "It's my first ride of the year," says Jay.

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