Friday, February 13, 2009

Mom in NYC / Start of Dad and Lilly weekend

I dropped Holly off at the airport yesterday. She's off to NYC with some of her family to do some sightseeing, see a show and do some shopping. It's a Dad and Lilly weekend at home.

I decided to take the day off so after dropping Holly off I headed to Elm Creek to ski for a while. Just take it easy and try things out. I cruised for 2 easy hours. It was down to the man-made loop and there were bus loads of school kids there skiing for the first time. "Good Birkie practice," is what a friend once told me.

Lilly had a follow-up appointment today and everything looks good. Another blood draw so she had to be brave again. Poor thing.

I ran with Joe over lunch. We were both sick with the same stuff (his whole family has it as well) so we took it pretty easy. I was breathing pretty hard given the almost jog of a pace we were setting.

Joe slipped on a patch of ice hidden under a little bit of snow and was on the ground before he knew what happened. Luckily he was just a little bruised.

Lilly stacking the cups:

Pancakes for dinner??? If Perkins can do it, why not us?