Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Wednesday was Earth Day and Lilly's daycare had some activities planned. They painted Earths on coffee filters:

And dug for worms:

They also planted sunflower and had a hard time believing a plant taller than dad or Ms. Sarah would come out of a really small seed.

Holly went out for a 40 mile ride on Wednesday night and almost set a personal average speed record for her loop. She came in out of breath and said she really pushed the last part.

I went for a little night ride on a pleasant evening after Lilly was in bed. I didn't see a car-sized pothole and ended up in a heap in the gutter. Luckily the only damage was some slight road rash. Jeez... Maybe next time I'll take the extra 3 minutes and hook up my nice headlight system.

Here's how my friend Eric is celebrating Earth Day:


Anonymous said...

Lights, definitly, it was a nice night for a ride, hope you are okay. Looks like Lilly had a good time for Earth Day. Tell Holly, she should of rode with us, I actually rode from the house, and it turned into a 40 mile ride for me too!

nerdman said...

That is why I rode in the garage for the last two nights. I hope you are ok!