Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Go West

I'm now in Denver. Boo and I drove all day yesterday to get in around 11:00pm. Puling a trailer means going less than the speed limit and stopping for gas every 120 miles. I'm caught up on emails and blogging and ready to unpack my stuff. Work starts tomorrow.

We got word we can expect an offer on our house today or tomorrow. We'll have to wait to see if it is something we can work with.


JayT said...

Best wishes for everything and good luck with the house sale. You guys will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the house!


jorgehuevo said...

good luck with everything

Anonymous said...

How goes it?


thinkinup@aol.com said...

Such exciting and emotional transitions in your lives right now, and so many doors to open. I can't imagine there are any adventures ahead that you can't handle.
Hope the home sale goes smoothly and quickly so all can reassemble soon. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Love, Aunt E. and Uncle J.

Erik said...

I am sorry to see you guys leave. Good luck with everything and best wishes to your family.