Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week after RAAM

We're back from RAAM. Great to see Lilly and Boo again. I had to bale our lawn even though Tom mowed it once for us. Jason and Julie cranked up our boat a little higher while we were gone also as the river went up with all the rain.

1 hr run

1 hr SUPER easy in the park
Watched Beth and Geoff play beer league softball.
You can really tell Beth played in high school.

1 hr run (in Boulder)
Jeez - what a view.
I swear I saw 200 people biking over the course of the day.
All sorts. Grandmas to Toyota United riders.

1 hr SUPER easy in the park

1 hr run

Rode 3+ hrs really easy spin. Through the park, to the dam/610, etc...
WCCO interview at Elm Creek.
Trailhead reception and raffle drawing.
After party at our place. Great time and the weather held off.

1 hr in the park (w/ some off-road action)
Davanni's pizza and beer while floating down the river.
Skied for the first time this year - my knee hurt a little bit.
The river is low enough that the boat won't go back on the lift.

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